News And Resources From Seattle Bank

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Former CEO and Friend of Seattle Bank Patrick Patrick Passes Away

On August 11, 2016, Pat Patrick, former CEO of Seattle Bank, passed away after a short illness. Pat made a lasting impression on Seattle Bank, the greater Seattle community, and all who had the opportunity to meet him.

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Seattle Bank Enhances UChoose Rewards Program

Enhancements Include Cashback For UChoose Debit Card Reward Points

Seattle Bank continues to enhance its Customer Rewards Program. The latest enhancements include Cashback for clients for UChoose debit card reward points.

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Seattle Bank Hires Lisa Jones as Vice President, Loan Operations Manager

Lisa Jones was recently hired as Vice President, Loan Operations Manager for Seattle Bank. During her 15 year career with the FHLB of Seattle, Lisa held several positions of increasing responsibility and developed broad expertise in lending, portfolio/systems management, and talent management.

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Seattle Bank Opens Branch at One Union Square

Seattle Bank is proud to announce the recent opening of a full service branch at its One Union Square headquarters in downtown Seattle. The opening is one of the latest steps in transforming Seattle Bank into a modern day bank that delivers great value to clients through high tech and high touch service.

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Seattle Bank Rolls out ClickSWITCH

A Turnkey Solution For Seattle Bank Clients

Seattle Bank clients can now leverage ClickSWITCH, a turnkey solution that allows for easy and secure transfer of recurring payments and deposits from an existing bank account to Seattle Bank.

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