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Seattle Bank Enhances UChoose Rewards Program

Enhancements Include Cashback For UChoose Debit Card Reward Points


Seattle Bank continues to enhance its Customer Rewards Program. The latest enhancements include Cashback for clients for UChoose debit card reward points. This change will give clients credit for points going back a full 5 years instead of the 3 year limit that was previously part of the program. Clients can now choose cash redemption directly into their Seattle Bank checking account, in addition to a wide array of redemption options including merchandise, travel, concerts or sporting events, and gift cards. Points are easy to earn and the program is free.

“This is just one more way we deliver greater tangible value to our clients, said John Blizzard, President & CEO of Seattle Bank. We will continue our quest of redefining the banking experience and find ways to make banking easier, more transparent, and financially beneficial for our clients.”

For more information about the UChoose Rewards Program, contact the Seattle Bank Client Team at 206.568.7800 or by email at [email protected].

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